This asteroid can hit the Earth tonight!

An asteroid is rising at 34,000 kilometers per hour. Today it can fall on Earth on Thursday night. Scientists say that this is going to be the closest to the world today. 
According to the scientists, the name of this particular asteroid 2017 YZ4 On Christmas Day it is very close to the first world. The distance of the Moon from Earth is about 2,24,000 kilometers. The asteroids came in the same distance. Scientists say that this particular asteroid is 15 meters wide. It's the closest to the world tonight. NASA scientists say it can be quite dangerous to the world. If it comes closer to the distance of the distance, then the Earth. 
Scientists also say that if the distance between the Earth and the asteroid approaches 7,40,000 sq km, it can strike the earth at any moment.
The picture of this asteroid after first caught at the Mount Lemon Survey test center in Arizona. This is the 52nd time that it is going to be closer to the world. NASA scientists say that around 17,389 asteroids are roaming around the world. This year only 1985 new asteroids have been discovered by scientists. Last year, 1888 asteroids and 1571 asteroids in 2015 were discovered by scientists. If there is an asteroid in the distance of 6 million miles from the Earth, it is considered an asteroid near the Earth.
Earlier, NASA said that an asteroid was going to be confronted with the Earth in 2036. It can be destroyed in human civilization. According to NASA, the name of the asteroid Apophis In 2004, the asteroid hit the first glance. After that, NASA scientists have been watching the asteroid for 17 years. And finally, they said that the asteroid will collide with Earth in 2036. Dwain Brown, a Washington headquarters official, has admitted to this news. Source: Kolkata Twenty20
BD daily / A Majumder

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